Sundom today
Today Sundom has a population of about 2 500 inhabitants. The majority
- about 73 % - speaks Swedish as their mother tongue, about 25 % Finnish and < 2 % has other mother tongues.
About 1 100 persons are employed and most of them work in the region of Vaasa. About 300 persons work in the village, some twenty persons are farmers and about ten persons work in fishing or related occupations. The village has about 700 children and young people(students) and about 400 over 65 years.
A growing village
Sundom is a dynamic, growing village in Vasa. New one-family houses of different styles now complement the small red cottages in the former village of fishermen, workers and smallfarmers. Every year 10-20 one-family houses are built. The population of Sundom is growing.
A geographically large village
The houses of the village form an arc of about 6 km from the coast line of Näset in the east through the Yttersundom village to the west shore at Biskopsholmen and Kronvik. The village begins in Yttersundom and goes about 7 km to the south through the Översundom village center and forms two arms round the edges of the Söderfjärden plain. There are about 1 000 households. Islands, skerries and water cover 2/3 of the village.
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- if you have questions about Sundom bygdeförening